No data for SQL Dependency Duration for ASP.Net Web App

i created simple application on .net framework 4.6.1 ( 4.6.1 template in visual studio) azure sql  backend. application working fine - saving data in azure sql no sql dependency duration getting collected application insights. new application map feature showing client , web server (no sql backend). azure portal shows application running 4.6 .net framework. should investigate?

from various articles, came know .net 4.6 dependency collection works out of box. going wrong here?

steps followed -

1. created brand new web application on vs 2015 update 3.

2. chose web application (.net framework) after selecting .net 4.6.1 from dropdown

3. chose "individual user account" authentication

4. made sure that application insights has been chosen


hi andy,

so looks you're using core, right?

if so, should use application insights core nuget.

you can find here:

or change this:

"microsoft.applicationinsights.aspnet": "1.0.0-rc1",

to this:

"microsoft.applicationinsights.aspnetcore": "1.0.0"

and let me know if worked.



Visual Studio Development  ,  Visual Studio Team Foundation Server  >  Application Insights (AI)


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