Issues while integrating Lync 2010 and 2013

i'm using lync client in non uisupression mode. usingmicrosoft.lync.model namespace operations

created small login application , able login , logout without issues.

issue lync 2010: once logged in correct login information , logout, using demo application. if click login demo application without providing login information, lync login using old login information

issue in lync 2013:

lyncclient _lyncclient = lyncclient.getclient()

throws specified cast not valid exception. avoid above login issue though of using_lyncclient.signinconfiguration.forgotme(uri) method not available in lync 2010

please let me know can done

hi redbullies,

according description, case related lync. cooldadtx  moved case lync forum better support.



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Lync Server  ,  Unified Communications  >  Microsoft Lync Client Development


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