ErrorCode: CampaignServiceAdGroupsArrayExceedsLimit

we received following error response while uploading ad groups through bing api version 8:

<s:envelope xmlns:s=""><s:body><s:fault><faultcode>s:server</faultcode><faultstring xml:lang="en-us">invalid client data. check soap fault details more information</faultstring><detail><apifaultdetail xmlns="" xmlns:i=""><trackingid xmlns="">e3052c28-dfa9-4a48-ba94-fbcb723e0800</trackingid><batcherrors/><operationerrors><operationerror><code>1210</code><details i:nil="true"/><errorcode>campaignserviceadgroupsarrayexceedslimit</errorcode><message>the list of adgroups exceeds limit.</message></operationerror></operationerrors></apifaultdetail></detail></s:fault></s:body></s:envelope>

it appears refers limit on number of ad group uploads in single request, rather total number of ad groups allowed per campaign. if that's case, since can't seem find anywhere in documentation, limit?

nevermind, found here:

the limit 1,000 ad groups per request.

Bing Ads API: Development  >  Bing Ads API: Development


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