HTTP 401 Unautorised Error when calling webservice from Class Library in Biztalk Solution

hi all..
i have problem in calling webservice class library in biztalk solution . actually when used default credentials working fine when user other account gives error 

the request failed http status 401: unauthorized 
actually updating infopath form library, wrote webservice access form library.
so give authorisation gave full control 2nd user account on form library , in inetmgr gave permissions 2nd user account.
still not working.
pls guide me in correct direction


hi sandeep,

you can gather logs of iis server that hosts web service check account used call ws , fails pass authentication. make sure account requires proper ntfs file system permission on web service directory.

the recent log files can found in \system32\logfiles\w3svc[n]\ directory (n here site id can viewed in right panel clicking web sites folder in iis).


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