How to open DispForm.aspx and NewForm.aspx in SharePoint Hosted app

hi all,

i created sharepoint hosted app , bind sharepoint list item in requirement when user click on employees name  open dispform.aspx page.

after click on employees name open  dispform.aspx.

and  please suggest how open newform.aspx in sharepoint app.


akash anand

hi aakash,

thanks posting issue.

as per description posted you have alreday fetched list data in tabular format.

now assume have alreday id of items in table.

so linking dispform.aspx link employee name anchor tag url

to open new form can link withany anchor tag or hyperlink or button below url

hope that's helps you.


soni k

SharePoint  ,  Apps for Office and SharePoint  >  Developing Apps for SharePoint 2013


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