How to change registry values using c# (Removing USB Write Protection)

hello experts here ,

i planning build console app remove write protection on usb ports.. here code wrote remove write protection using registry editor code doesn't work..

can any1 correct code me ...

thanks reading...

"system.diagnostics.process.start("regedit","[hkey_local_machine\\system\\currentcontrolset\\control\\storagedevicepolicies]writeprotect=dword:00000000"); "

something this?

microsoft.win32.registry.setvalue("hkey_local_machine\\system\\currentcontrolset\\control\\storagedevicepolicies", "writeprotect", 0, microsoft.win32.registryvaluekind.dword);

try, not able test right now...

more info at

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Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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