Custom Tax calculation in CS2009


  need calculate tax based on products. products have tax , need show total tax amount @ bottom of cart page. in default site defaulttaxcy pipeline component used sets total tax zero( not sure of it). best way calculate tax? whether calculate in code, if calculate in code(i require extend order system guess )or to write pipeline component? guess writing vb script best option. dont know how proceed further. 1 me? thanks.



hi kumudha,

you need write pipeline component. calculate tax , write tax value tax field. can field information , pipeline property name "orderpipelinemappings"

how write pipeline. below links(article max)

everything ever wanted know pipelines afraid ask (part i)

everything ever wanted know pipelines afraid ask (part ii)

custom pipeline : everything ever wanted know pipelines afraid ask (part iii)


after have created pipeline component add basket.pcf.


rajendra dewani

Commerce Server  >  Commerce Server 2009


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