Still same problem

do replace e.keycode e.keychar. tried , didn't work? still hadn't figured out.


here error message

 operator '<' cannot applied operands of type 'char' , ''

private void textbox3_keypress(object sender, e)


if (e.keychar < keys.d0 || e.keychar > keys.d9)


textbox3.text = "_";




hello all.


you have remember, .net strong types.  e.keychar returns type "char", , keys returns "", enumeration.

if recall docs, there no implicit type casts applied enumerations.  have use explicit type cast, this:

if (e.keychar < (char)keys.d0 || e.keychar > (char)keys.d9)

this way, comparing items of same type.


.NET Framework  >  Common Language Runtime Internals and Architecture


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