Replication Issue

hi all,

i facing issue distributor subscriber , show history:-

retries attempted 0

2015-07-20 08:48:52.081 11 transaction(s) 20 command(s) delivered.
2015-07-20 08:49:02.127 24 transaction(s) 46 command(s) delivered.
2015-07-20 08:49:11.066 16 transaction(s) 30 command(s) delivered.
2015-07-20 08:49:20.894 21 transaction(s) 40 command(s) delivered.
2015-07-20 08:49:29.599 13 transaction(s) 22 command(s) delivered.
2015-07-20 08:49:54.153 25 transaction(s) 43 command(s) delivered.
2015-07-20 08:51:23.682 63 transaction(s) 90 command(s) delivered.

2015-07-20 08:52:05.958 <stats state="1" work="2387" idle="881"><reader fetch="2" wait="1139"/><writer write="2387" wait="2"/><sincelaststats elapsedtime="341" work="277" cmds="1127" cmdspersec="4.000000"><reader fetch="0" wait="141"/><writer write="277" wait="0"/></sincelaststats></stats>
2015-07-20 08:52:05.958 ************************ statistics since agent started ***********************
07-20-2015 14:22:05

total run time (ms) : 3309670 total work time  : 2387760
total num trans     : 9664 num trans/sec    : 4.05
total num cmds      : 17836 num cmds/sec     : 7.47
total idle time     : 881333 

writer thread stats
  total number of retries   : 0 
  time spent on exec        : 2422076 
  time spent on commits (ms): 1035 commits/sec         : 0.16
  time apply cmds (ms)   : 2387760 cmds/sec            : 7.47
  time cmd queue empty (ms) : 2853 empty q waits > 10ms: 199
  total time request blk(ms): 884186 
  p2p work time (ms)        : 0 p2p cmds skipped    : 0

reader thread stats
  calls retrieve cmds    : 391 
  time retrieve cmds (ms): 410172 cmds/sec            : 43.48
  time cmd queue full (ms)  : 731976 full q waits > 10ms : 34

2015-07-20 08:52:27.595 155 transaction(s) 282 command(s) delivered.
2015-07-20 08:53:04.895 108 transaction(s) 200 command(s) delivered.
2015-07-20 08:54:05.080 82 transaction(s) 152 command(s) delivered.
2015-07-20 08:55:14.235 48 transaction(s) 70 command(s) delivered.
2015-07-20 08:56:13.515 117 transaction(s) 227 command(s) delivered.
2015-07-20 08:57:31.749 61 transaction(s) 106 command(s) delivered.

2015-07-20 08:57:31.749 <stats state="1" work="2750" idle="881"><reader fetch="2" wait="1465"/><writer write="2750" wait="2"/><sincelaststats elapsedtime="325" work="362" cmds="1037" cmdspersec="2.000000"><reader fetch="0" wait="325"/><writer write="362" wait="0"/></sincelaststats></stats>
2015-07-20 08:57:31.764 ************************ statistics since agent started ***********************
07-20-2015 14:27:31

total run time (ms) : 3635463 total work time  : 2750447
total num trans     : 10235 num trans/sec    : 3.72
total num cmds      : 18873 num cmds/sec     : 6.86
total idle time     : 881333 

writer thread stats
  total number of retries   : 0 
  time spent on exec        : 2747526 
  time spent on commits (ms): 1098 commits/sec         : 0.14
  time apply cmds (ms)   : 2750447 cmds/sec            : 6.86
  time cmd queue empty (ms) : 2900 empty q waits > 10ms: 203
  total time request blk(ms): 884233 
  p2p work time (ms)        : 0 p2p cmds skipped    : 0

reader thread stats
  calls retrieve cmds    : 403 
  time retrieve cmds (ms): 703361 cmds/sec            : 26.83
  time cmd queue full (ms)  : 764580 full q waits > 10ms : 35

i don't know issue thinking issue on writing command on replicated server.

issue not occurred continuously sometime , when issue occurred active time 100% of disk, check through resource monitor. please let me know resolving issue.

my distribution database on subscriber .i have  change disk distribution db , replication db , havent restart sql server in resource monitor show on same drive change drive system catalog.

thanks in advance

run blocked process report , let know blocking. distribution cleanup task.

but, normal , on busy systems expect blocking , have distribution cleanup task fail lot.

the message concerned replication command or batch of commands slow unknown reasons.

the blocking appears occurring on subscriber. investigate user processes blocking on subscriber opposed looking on publisher.

looking book on sql server 2008 administration? looking book on sql server 2008 full-text search?

SQL Server  >  SQL Server Replication


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