Only ReportingServer$ Databases are listed in drop down when creating a new KB and discovery


when cerate new kb can can see reporting databases in drop down. ihave granted database want refer these permissions. jmot sufficient?

use [database_name]

create user [dqs_service] login [##ms_dqs_service_login##]

grant control [dqs_service]

create user [dqs_dbo] login [##ms_dqs_db_owner_login##]

grant control, authenticate [dqs_dbo]

thanks rob

from vague memory, in ctp3 own windows account (the 1 used run dqs client)  is used populate drop down. when work done on server side those two system dqs logins used.

does own windows account have access database want see?

thanks, jason

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SQL Server  >  SQL Server Data Quality Services


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