Bing Map not working in Internet Explorer


hi friends,

i facing few problems while working bing maps on internet explorer (all latest versions 7, 8, 9). i am using bing maps ajax contrl v7.  i describing here ie9 problems. creating map using following code. 

function getmap()    {

map = null;

map = new"mapdiv"),{credentials:"credentials removed", maptypeid:microsoft.maps.maptypeid.road,enablesearchlogo: false, enableclickablelogo: false,showcopyright:false});






function makegeocoderequest(credentials){


var url = "" + locationpoint + "?output=json&jsonp=geocodecallback&key=" + credentials;






function callrestservice(request)


        var script = document.createelement("script");

        script.setattribute("type", "text/javascript");

        script.setattribute("src", request);




then had code put pushpins , infoboxes on map in geocodecallback function. displaying bing map inside panel on side of page. on page load though map background getting displayed no positions , pushpins displayed. modified html tag of design page to:

<html xmlns="" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">

after pushpin gets displayed on page load when button clicked/other events happen on rest of page , partial postback happens , map throws error:

script65535: unexpected call method or property access.
veapicore.js, line 1 character 45292

the script line throwing error :


this error being thrown when

map = new   line in above code gets executed.

i have seen similar problems posted other people in , stackoverflow forums didn’t solution.

i checked microsoft silverlight add on enabled/disabled. application hosted on iis7 , os windows server 2008. 

i need help. can please suggest me solution.

thanks , regards,



wednesday, september 14, 2011 11:43 am

could try sample @ location service & places pushpin. you can copy/paste & create sample page after clicking 'view html' button.
hemant goyal

Bing Maps  >  Bing Maps Web Controls


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