Better way to trigger the Orchestration and also HAT

i have 2 biztalk different applications on sand box. bts, have update some info 1 sql proc updating 1 table.

i have same procedure , table in different db sits on 1 sql instance. bts first applications have orchestration updationg proc. second bts application's orchestration couldn't triggered. forcefully i'm doing update proc through sendport & map.

please guide me why orchestration not triggered.
note: tested 2nd bts application in local box. no luck with orchestration trigger.

thanks, raja


use visual studio set binding property of incoming orchestration port 'direct'. in both orchestrations.
this make sure use direct binding , have both orchestrations receive message.

hth, randal van splunteren - - please mark answered if answers question.

BizTalk Server  >  BizTalk Server General


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