The biztalk 2009 setup failed for "Everyone"

hi friends,

plz give me solution problem.

the biztalk , database server in different machine. biztalk 2006 setup kit works fine for  "everyone" or "just me".the biztalk 2009 setup failed "everyone".

iam getting follwing error: unable validate given database "biztalkmgmtdb" , server "xxxx".

login failed user xxxx'.

solution got net : when selected during installation, windows installer run custom action under local system account directly windows installer service, , since system not have network credentials, failed connect database. however, if selected me, run custom action directly logged on user's session initiated installer, , work fine.

then solution . how biztalk 2006 kit working fine , biztalk 2009 kit failed "everyone".

plz reply me.

thanks in advance

see these articles see requirement user account

basic configuration

custom configuration

 for biztalk 2009 refers installation guides here


don't forget mark post answer or vote helpful if does, regards -rohit sharma (

BizTalk Server  >  BizTalk Server General


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