Rich Text Box

i have logfile automatically being written to, , want contents of displayed in rich text box. have on form, , seems initialized in designer.cs


        //         // richtextbox1        //         this.richtextbox1.dock =;        this.richtextbox1.location = new system.drawing.point(141, 147); = "richtextbox1";        this.richtextbox1.size = new system.drawing.size(476, 67);        this.richtextbox1.tabindex = 5;        this.richtextbox1.text = "asdf";          private richtextbox1;  


but when try use in form (eg richtextbox1.appendtext("blahasldkjfalskdf");, doesn't seem know textbox there..intelisense doesn't recognize either. ideas?

Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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