Calling Product details page of startersite




i have added grid view on aspx page have product item details of selelcted category. 1 of column in grid item name hyperlink field. on clicking hyperlink, need show product details page in startersite.
can give clue calling product details page the hyperlink column





hi ginu


you might want code the productlist control in startersite. find following method:

code snippet

protected string getitemurlstring(object data)


uri url = null;

catalogitemsdataset.catalogitem item = data as catalogitemsdataset.catalogitem;

if (item != null && !item.iscatalogclasstypesnull())


if (item.catalogclasstypes == (int)catalogclasstypes.categoryclass)


url = new categoryuri(item.catalogname, item.categoryname).geturl();




url = new producturi(item.catalogname, item.productid, item.variantid).geturl();



return (url == null) ? string.empty : url.originalstring;




by using producturi class, should need.


hope helps



Commerce Server  >  Commerce Server 2007


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