After creating a site using the Sharepoint commerce services wizard, i am getting error while browsing the site


after creating site using sharepoint commerce services wizard, getting error while browsing site.

just remind have modified commerceserversharepoint2010 template pack solution "sharepoint commerce" of follwing link , deployed new wsps in site folder, , started creating site using wizard.

the error details:

system.runtime.interopservices.comexception: table not exist.

[comexception (0x80040e37): table not exist.
   microsoft.commerceserver.interop.profiles.profileserviceclass.getprofilebykey(string bstrkeymembername, object svalue, string bstrtype, boolean breturnerror) +0
   microsoft.commerceserver.runtime.profiles.profile..ctor(profilecontext profileservice, string keyname, string keyvalue, string profiletype) +156

[commerceprofilesystemexception: failed retrieve profile.]
   microsoft.commerceserver.runtime.profiles.profile..ctor(profilecontext profileservice, string keyname, string keyvalue, string profiletype) +504
   microsoft.commerceserver.runtime.profiles.profilecontext.getprofile(string keyname, string keyvalue, string profiletype) +647
   microsoft.commerceserver.runtime.commercecontext.get_userid() +744
   microsoft.commerceserver.runtime.commercedatawarehouseauthenticationmodule.onprerequesthandlerexecute(object sender, eventargs e) +73
   microsoft.commerce.providers.sharepointcommercedatawarehouseauthenticationmodule.onprerequesthandlerexecute(object sender, eventargs e) +288
   system.web.synceventexecutionstep.system.web.httpapplication.iexecutionstep.execute() +80
   system.web.httpapplication.executestep(iexecutionstep step, boolean& completedsynchronously) +171

 can 1 me in regard.


narasimha murthy. b


seems there problem creating profile resources. here article explains problem.

hope helps.
ravi kanth koppala
cs2009 training:
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Commerce Server  >  Commerce Server 2009


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