Whats best: Expression or Decide


have scenario have check existens of set of files in destination location , if not exists, copy files destination. scenario occurs in child orchestration. got know in situation file modifications not done best send via subscribing (through filtering). in situation best check condition. expression shape suitable or check good. im new biztalk.

if understood requirement correctly, need copy file source destination if doen't exist in destination folder. simple solution use send port filter condition on receive port name. file adapter having 'copty mode' option can used in case. default, create new option enabled , not write file destination of exist.

more details on create new mode: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee253310(bts.10).aspx

create new. if file not exist, file send handler creates new file , writes it. if file exists, file send handler reports error , follows common adapter retry logic send ports. default copy mode file send handler.

genuine basil

BizTalk Server  >  BizTalk Server General


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