Compatibility b/w Biztalk and MQSeries

any idea compatibility related risks/issues between bts2006 r2 and mqseries


following thread discusses potential risk/issue. concerning compatibility see thread. not clear version of biztalk supports mq version. depends more mq adapter shipped supporting. shipped biztalk license. in case have 2006 mq adapter as  mqsc adapter not available part of standard biztalk server 2006 r2 install. adapter included part of microsoft host integration server 2006 (his). have been digging around found whitepaper, mentions version 5 , 6. hard tell option contact ms support definite answer. think in end need upgrade higher platform bts 2010 , 2010.


steef-jan wiggers

ordina ict b.v. | mvp & mcts biztalk server 2010 | @steefjan

if answers question please mark accordingly



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