VS 2008 crashes after opening a solution containing a web project

hi guys!


when try open solution team foundation server (2005) using vs team suite 2008, vs crashes. debugged bugger , discovered following error:


an unhandled exception of type 'system.stackoverflowexception' occurred in microsoft.visualstudio.shell.interop.dll


this problem not occur if team foundation client not installed , open same project. scenario however, produces logical error version control not found. that, expected.


i've opened connect issue (https://connect.microsoft.com/visualstudio/feedback/viewfeedback.aspx?feedbackid=331549), i'd know if here has had experience issue.


thanks in return,

 anže vodovnik

yes, have had at least 2 reports of identical stack traces.  there bug in web project system code discovered , fixed (internally).  fix expected go out in 2008 sp1.


for interested in fine details, web project code trying set web server port.  towards end calls queryedit indicate intent update file port number.  source control layer receives queryedit , tries determine if file changed under source control.  part of determination involves call isdocumentinproject see if ithe file part of bound project.  unfortunately, because of bug mentioned above, isdocumentinproject code in web project system goes through code senses needs update port number , again initiates queryedit.  loop , loop until blow stack.


one workaround unbind files source control have done.  possible workaround (i haven't tested this) might check out files using sce or tf.exe before opening solution.


--ben ryan

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