Active Directory 'lastLogon' time conversion

i'm lost conversion active directory integer8 datetime format visual c# 2008...
i've found examples on internet, i can't find suitable reference... 
i've included iadstools , activeds... maybe i'm missing right namespace?
using system; using; using system.directoryservices;  using microsoft.sqlserver.dts.pipeline.wrapper; using microsoft.sqlserver.dts.runtime.wrapper;  ...                                                                       if (["lastlogon"] != null &&["lastlogon"].count > 0)                     {                         long int64value = (long)((uint)["lastlogon"].lowpart +                         (((long)["lastlogon"].highpart) << 32));                         output0buffer.lastlogon = datetime.fromfiletimeutc(int64value);                                        } ...                        
error 1 'system.directoryservices.resultpropertyvaluecollection' not contain definition 'lowpart' , no extension method 'lowpart' accepting first argument of type 'system.directoryservices.resultpropertyvaluecollection' found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?)
error 2 'system.directoryservices.resultpropertyvaluecollection' not contain definition 'highpart' , no extension method 'highpart' accepting first argument of type 'system.directoryservices.resultpropertyvaluecollection' found (are missing using directive or assembly reference?)
thanks inputs!

hi murugan , cooldadtx

sorry late reply... somehow lost trace of topic... 

unfortunately input didn't work... because use bi dev studio couldn't use newest visualstudio .net framework 4 seems neccessary use int64 reference... 

i have had create new com component ore something, have lead further problems on deploying project on reporting server... 

so made workaround... imported values string...

  ... if (["lastlogon"] != null &&["lastlogon"].count > 0)                     {                         output0buffer.lastlogon =["lastlogon"][0].tostring(); ...  

... , converted them afterwards via bigint and datetime2 on sql server following code:


  update ... [lastlogon] = case 	when cast([lastlogon] as bigint) = 0 then null 		else convert(varchar(19),(dateadd(mi,(cast([lastlogon] as bigint) / 600000000) + datediff(minute,getutcdate(),getdate()),cast('1/1/1601' as datetime2))), 120) end, ...  

that's it... anyways, appreciated help...



Visual Studio Languages  ,  .NET Framework  >  Visual C#


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