Problem clearing directions

i seem having problems clearing directions, no doubt it's somthing silly doing

0x800a01b6 - javascript runtime error: object doesn't support property or method 'resetdirections'

this sort of doing

  microsoft.maps.loadmodule('microsoft.maps.directions', function () {                  var directionsmanager = new microsoft.maps.directions.directionsmanager(bingmap);                  // set route mode driving                  directionsmanager.setrequestoptions({ routemode: microsoft.maps.directions.routemode.driving });                  var waypoint1 = new microsoft.maps.directions.waypoint({ address: 'home', location: new microsoft.maps.location(52.8437614440918, -1.33560001850128) });                  var waypoint2 = new microsoft.maps.directions.waypoint({ address: 'system.web.ui.htmlcontrols.htmlgenericcontrol', location: new microsoft.maps.location(55.558349609375,-2.0686399936676) });                  directionsmanager.addwaypoint(waypoint1);                  directionsmanager.addwaypoint(waypoint2);                  // set element in itinerary rendered                  directionsmanager.setrenderoptions({ itinerarycontainer: document.getelementbyid('printoutpanel') });                  directionsmanager.calculatedirections();                                   //directionsmanager.cleardisplay();                  directionsmanager.resetdirections();              });

works fine apart resetdirections bit. in reality wont in function, want figure out first

resetdirections not function in directions manager. use cleardisplay or clearall:

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