REST API in c# to upload document in document Library of sharepoint

in auto hosted app,is possible upload documents sharepoint document library of rest in c#. dont know whether rest can used in c# or not. please let me know.



c# , rest can go together. example:

using (var clientcontext = tokenhelper.getclientcontextwithaccesstoken(sharepointurl.tostring(), apponlyaccesstoken)) {     byte[] bytefile =;      httpwebrequest endpointrequest = (httpwebrequest)httpwebrequest.create(hostweb + "/_api/web/getfolderbyserverrelativeurl('shared%20documents')/files/add(url='filename.txt',overwrite=true)");     endpointrequest.method = "post";     endpointrequest.headers.add("binarystringrequestbody", "true");     endpointrequest.headers.add("authorization", "bearer " + apponlyaccesstoken);     endpointrequest.getrequeststream().write(bytefile, 0, bytefile.length);      httpwebresponse endpointresponse = (httpwebresponse)endpointrequest.getresponse(); }

please mark reply helpful (the arrow) if useful , please mark answer (the check box) if answered question! thank you!

danny jessee | mcpd - sharepoint developer 2010 | mcts - sharepoint 2010, configuring
blog: | twitter: @dannyjessee

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