Custom Infobox in BingMap WPF Control

im trying create custom bingmap pushpin, should somthing

problem cannot shape "sticking out" indicate position.

have tried but, trainagle whithout sticking corner
<controltemplate x:key="mycustompintemplate1" targettype="m:pushpin">             <grid x:name="contentgrid" horizontalalignment="left"  verticalalignment="center"  >                 <canvas x:name="contentpopup" visibility="visible">                     <rectangle x:name="contentpopuprectangle" fill="aliceblue" opacity="0.7" canvas.left="0" strokethickness="2"  stroke="wheat""0" height="50" width="122" radiusx="5" radiusy="5" />                            <stackpanel canvas.left="10""5">                                          <contentpresenter horizontalalignment="center"                                                                  verticalalignment="center"                                                                  content="{templatebinding content}"                                                                                                                                   margin="0" textblock.fontfamily="segoe ui" textblock.fontsize="9" textblock.foreground="red">                         </contentpresenter>                     </stackpanel>              </canvas>                 </grid>         </controltemplate>


i'm assuming want custom infobox/popup , question has nothing polyline class. here style use create similar infobox/pupup using tooltips:

<style x:key="custominfoboxstyle" targettype="tooltip"> <setter property="overridesdefaultstyle" value="true" />  <setter property="verticaloffset" value="15" /> <setter property="horizontaloffset" value="155" /> <setter property="placement" value="top" /> <setter property="background" value="transparent" /> <setter property="borderbrush" value="transparent" /> <setter property="borderthickness" value="0" /> <setter property="template">     <setter.value>         <controltemplate targettype="tooltip">                                   <stackpanel>                     <grid width="200" minheight="50" horizontalalignment="left">                                                             <border background="black"/>                                             <stackpanel margin="5">                         <contentpresenter margin="5" content="{templatebinding content}"/>                     </stackpanel>                 </grid>                                              <polygon horizontalalignment="left" fill="black">                     <polygon.points>                         <point x="0" y="0"/>                         <point x="20" y="0"/>                         <point x="30" y="30"/>                     </polygon.points>                 </polygon>             </stackpanel>         </controltemplate>     </setter.value> </setter> </style>

i think add tooltip pushpin this:

var pin = new pushpin(); pin.location = new location(45, -70);  tooltipservice.settooltip(pin, new tooltip() {     content = "custom text",     style = application.current.resources["custominfoboxstyle"] style });  mymap.children.add(pin);

Bing Maps  >  Bing Maps REST, SOAP, Spatial Data Services


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