BizTalk R2 WCF-Net.Tcp Adapter Consumption Issues


hey !

i using biztalk r2  net.tcp adapter of wcf. can call biztalk service when receive @ client side, shows response null.

although there no exception throws @ client side , neither suspended @ biztalk side.


for response verification checked suspend message call service , closed client show me right message in the  biztalk console.



for reference, code given below.


thanks time , consideration.




//client side code



public interface imyinterface


  [operationcontract(replyaction = "*")]

   memorystream sendrequest(stream stream);




string addressuri = "net.tcp://localhost:8889/myservice";

nettcpbinding binding = new nettcpbinding(securitymode.none);

endpointaddress endpointaddress = new endpointaddress(addressuri);


using (channelfactory<imyinterface> factory = new channelfactory<imyinterface>(binding, endpointaddress))               


  imyinterface channel = factory.createchannel();

  // data bytes

  byte[] data = getencodeddata(myxmlmessage);


   byte[] buffer = new byte[data.length];


   data.copyto(buffer, 0);

   memorystream stream_ = new memorystream(buffer);

   memorystream resp = channel.sendrequest(stream_);


   //resp null; stream_ shows request msg



at biztalk end using  path , template option , security mode set none.




atif suleman




hi atef,


  may suggest using adapter file adapter check if process generating output data?


i think there no error in client side code.



BizTalk Server  >  BizTalk Server General


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