Help for setting up a development setup for BizTalk server 2010 to be used by multiple developers


we trying setup development setup used multiple developers. per installation guide "installing biztalk server 2010 on windows server 2008 r2 , 2008.docx" available in

here installing required software excel, vs 2010 development. having doubt how multiple users there development work @ same time in single instance of biztalk server , vs 2010. please suggest solution how can setup multiple developer biztalk server 2010 setup.



sanjib medhi

sanjib medhi

better approach create virtual machine each developer. can use tfs code repository maintain code @ central location. can download virtual machine biztalk server 2010 available @ link.

please mark post answered question answer, , mark other helpful posts helpful, it'll other users visiting thread similar problem, regards -rohit sharma (

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